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26 novembre 2014

le chômeur d'investigation, son canapé et Google Earth

Les internautes vont-ils remplacer les journalistes ? Vaste question, qui se pose depuis l'apparition d'Internet. Mais vont-ils même les remplacer dans les enquêtes les plus délicates, comme l'investigation sur le crash du Boeing de la Malaysia Airlines,...
23 novembre 2014

le crash de la Mayasian Airlines démonté

Ce qu'il y a de bien, avec le web, c'est qu'on n'avait jamais disposé d'un tel moyen pour vérifier, recouper et authentifier une information ou, a contrario, pour démonter une manip'. L'Autre JT , le nouvel hebdo de France 4, a décidé d'y consacrer une...
19 novembre 2014

The west must be tough on Putin – but it may take a generation to bring Russia back

n a few days Russia’s last remotely independent radio station could be silenced. Ever since the country’s energy conglomerate Gazprom took a majority holding, Ekho Moskvy (Echo of Moscow) has battled against censorship. The station’s editor in chief,...
15 novembre 2014

City in Ukraine Tied to Masochism Finds Link Painful, Sure, but Some Like It

LVIV, Ukraine — Taras Demlan was out for a quiet drink with friends in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv, a beguiling jewel of Hapsburg architectural splendor, and his companions persuaded him to try the specialty of the house. A waitress took off his...
26 septembre 2014

Under Pact, Russians to Give Gas to Ukraine

Under Pact, Russians to Give Gas to Ukraine
BERLIN — European officials said Friday that they had brokered a deal between Russia and Ukraine aimed at ensuring gas flows to keep factories running and homes warm over the next six months, despite a dispute over the size of Ukraine’s outstanding bills....
7 septembre 2014

Evidence Grows of Russian Orthodox Clergy’s Aiding Ukraine Rebels

SLOVYANSK, Ukraine — On an overcast day in April, staff members at the municipal museum in this eastern Ukrainian town noticed strange goings-on next door at a cultural center run by the Ukrainian arm of the Russian Orthodox Church. Groups of burly men...
3 septembre 2014

Putin’s War of Words: A Roundup

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia told the president of the European Commission, “If I wanted to, I could take Kiev in two weeks.” His comment to José Manuel Barroso, which was published in the Italian newspaper La Repubblica on Monday, was perhaps...
31 août 2014

Russian politician beaten after report on soldier burials

MOSCOW (Reuters) - A Russian politician said on Saturday he had been badly beaten after publicising the mysterious funerals of two soldiers who may have died while fighting in Ukraine. Lev Shlosberg, a newspaper publisher who represents the liberal opposition...
29 août 2014

Les éléments qui accréditent l'intervention de soldats russes en Ukraine

« Derrière les forces d'autodéfense de Crimée, bien sûr, se trouvaient nos militaires. » Le 17 avril, un mois après le rattachement de la péninsule ukrainienne à la Fédération de Russie, Vladimir Poutine reconnaissait dans un haussement d'épaules, au...
10 août 2014

Crimea: Paradise Regained

Europe and the US have imposed the toughest sanctions on Russia since the Cold War amid anger over the Kremlin's support for east Ukrainian separatists who stand accused of shooting down a Malaysia Airlines passenger jet. But the crisis began further...
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